2 days ago, the boys - from now on reduced to the number of 3 due to general olives picking - went by themselves in Abu Jamal's field to try their abilities of interviewers. Back to the museum they were quite satisfied and when we watched the footage, it's been the chance for us to point at classic issues on such a shooting: shots too short, approximative frames, too few changes of angles, questions that implied banal answers.
So we went along with them for a new interview in an olives field, Wisam Owaineh's. It was around 2 km from the museum. Quite a lovely stroll which we took profit of to locations scouting for a forthcoming sequence. We had to leave the road and walk up (climb up sometimes) to reach this field which is actually located on a terrace on the slope of a hill. Amazing sightseeing.
We entrusted Muhammad, Ibraheem and Ala' with the tools for image and sound and they harvested this time some beautiful moments and Wisam's interview.
Il y a deux jours les garçons (désormais réduits à 3 pour cause de récolte d'olives généralisée) sont partis SEULS dans le champ d'Abu Jamal pour s'essayer à l'interview. Au retour ils étaient assez satisfaits et quand on a visionné les rushes, ce fut pour nous l'occasion de pointer les problèmes classiques liés à ce genre de tournage: des plans beaucoup trop courts, des cadres approximatifs, peu de variété dans les angles, des questions qui entraînent des propos banals.
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